- chastey
- 1) кір. часцей; часьцейчаще2) см. <
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Chastey — Recorded in a number of spellings including Chastney, Chastay, Chastey, Chasty, Chasaye, Cheyney, Chesne, Chesney, and probably others, this is a surname of Old French origin. Introduced into England and later Scotland by the Norman French… … Surnames reference
The College of St. Scholastica — College of St. Scholastica Motto Omnes semitae eius pacificae Motto in English Her ways are ways of beauty, and all her paths are peace. Established … Wikipedia
Bernard Braden — Bernard Chastey Braden (16 May 1916 ndash; 2 February 1993) was a Canadian born English actor and comedian. Braden was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and educated at Magee Secondary School, Kerrisdale, Vancouver. In the late 1940s he and his … Wikipedia
Mechanized corps (Soviet) — A mechanized corps was a Soviet armoured formation used since before the beginning of World War II. Pre war development of Soviet mechanized forces In Soviet Russia, the so called armored forces ( Bronevyye sily ) preceded the mechanized corps.… … Wikipedia
Mechanised corps (Soviet Union) — A mechanised corps was a Soviet armoured formation used prior to the beginning of World War II. Contents 1 Pre war development of Soviet mechanised forces 2 Period 1940 1941 3 Period 1942 1946 … Wikipedia